Hair turns grey due to a complex biochemical process. In recent years, several studies have identified the factors ans processes that contribute to grey hair. The main culprit appears to be an excess of hydrogen peroxide, a substance naturally produced by the body.
Hair cells of people of all ages produce some amount of hydrogen perosxide. In young people, hydrogen peroxide is rapidly borken down by the enzyme catalase, into harmless elements hydrogen and oxygen. However, as we age, the hair cells produce smaller amounts of catalase and less hydrogen peroxide is broken down.
When the hydrogen peroxide builds up, the melanin doesn't work as well anymore. Melanin is a substance produced by the body that gives colour to the hair, skin and eyes. in the beginning, the hydrogen peroxide takes some colour from the hair, which makes the hair look grey. Over time, as the level of catalase continues to drop and the level of hydrogen peroxide increases, the hair can turn from grey to white.
The Neofollics Anti Grey hair Tablets will brake down the build up of hydrogen peroxide in a two step proces by provinding the body with extra melanin and catalase.
The Neofollics Anti Grey Tablets are suitable for every man and woman (18+) who want to effectively combat the greying of the hair.